Музей истории Пермского района

h1. This is a very large header.

h2. This is a large header.

h3. This is a medium header.

h4. This is a moderate header.

h5. This is a small header.
h6. This is a tiny header.


Etiam quis eros urna. Fusce consequat egestas risus, et euismod dolor gravida eget. Donec sapien turpis, pellentesque sodales posuere nec, ultricies at ligula. Phasellus dapibus ex sapien, ac volutpat massa ullamcorper quis. Vestibulum posuere elit mauris, rutrum lobortis diam laoreet eu. Fusce a imperdiet mi. Suspendisse ut dolor ullamcorper, laoreet risus convallis, accumsan urna. Vivamus at rutrum felis, nec eleifend diam. Curabitur dui lectus, pulvinar non libero quis, tincidunt vehicula justo. Donec sit amet tellus sit amet lacus mollis volutpat. 

Легко выделять цитаты позволяет размещенная в первом ряду редактора кнопка Cite  Диаграммы


<h2>h2. This is a large header.</h2>

<h3>h3. This is a medium header.</h3>

<h4>h4. This is a moderate header.</h4>

<h5>h5. This is a small header.</h5>

<h6>h6. This is a tiny header.</h6>


	<p>Etiam quis eros urna. Fusce consequat egestas risus, et euismod dolor gravida eget. Donec sapien turpis, pellentesque sodales posuere nec, ultricies at ligula. Phasellus dapibus ex sapien, ac volutpat massa ullamcorper quis. Vestibulum posuere elit mauris, rutrum lobortis diam laoreet eu. Fusce a imperdiet mi. Suspendisse ut dolor ullamcorper, laoreet risus convallis, accumsan urna. Vivamus at rutrum felis, nec eleifend diam. Curabitur dui lectus, pulvinar non libero quis, tincidunt vehicula justo. Donec sit amet tellus sit amet lacus mollis volutpat. </p>

Легко выделять различные коды позволяет размещенная во втором ряду редактора кнопка Code  Диаграммы

Изображение в абзаце

thumbnail Bootstrap 3.3.5 is here! This release has focused on bug fixes, accessibility improvements, and documentation updates. We've had over 330 commits and 160 closed issues and pull requests from over 40 contributors since our last release! Hell yeah.

Bootstrap 3.3.5 is here! This release has focused on bug fixes, accessibility improvements, and documentation updates. We've had over 330 commits and 160 closed issues and pull requests from over 40 contributors since our last release! Hell yeah.

Bootstrap 3.3.5 is here! This release has focused on bug fixes, accessibility improvements, and documentation updates. We've had over 330 commits and 160 closed issues and pull requests from over 40 contributors since our last release! Hell yeah.

Изображение в абзаце - класс "float-right"

thumbnailBootstrap 3.3.5 is here! This release has focused on bug fixes, accessibility improvements, and documentation updates. We've had over 330 commits and 160 closed issues and pull requests from over 40 contributors since our last release! Hell yeah.

Bootstrap 3.3.5 is here! This release has focused on bug fixes, accessibility improvements, and documentation updates. We've had over 330 commits and 160 closed issues and pull requests from over 40 contributors since our last release! Hell yeah.

Bootstrap 3.3.5 is here! This release has focused on bug fixes, accessibility improvements, and documentation updates. We've had over 330 commits and 160 closed issues and pull requests from over 40 contributors since our last release! Hell yeah.

Изображение в абзаце - класс "nofl"

thumbnailBootstrap 3.3.5 is here! This release has focused on bug fixes, accessibility improvements, and documentation updates. We've had over 330 commits and 160 closed issues and pull requests from over 40 contributors since our last release! Hell yeah.

Изображение в абзаце без текста


Bootstrap 3.3.5 is here! This release has focused on bug fixes, accessibility improvements, and documentation updates. We've had over 330 commits and 160 closed issues and pull requests from over 40 contributors since our last release! Hell yeah.

Адаптивные диаграммы

Легко создавать любые диаграммы позволяет размещенная во втором ряду редактора кнопка Chart  Диаграммы

Кнопка oEmbed

Легко использовать на сайте любые ролики с YouTube (для роликов с YouTube работают только ссылки из адресной строки) и Vimeo, звуковые записи с Sound Cloud и еще много различных сервисов, позволяет размещенная во втором ряду редактора кнопка oEmbed  oembed

Адаптивные ролики YouTube

Адаптивные ролики Vimeo

Адаптивный Sound Cloud

Адаптивные видео-файлы

Легко использовать любые видео-файлы форматов MP4, WebM и OGV позволяет размещенная во втором ряду редактора кнопка Video  video

Звуковые файлы

Легко использовать любые звуковые файлы позволяет размещенная во втором ряду редактора кнопка Audio  audio, возможно файлы вам придется заливать через FTP.

Адаптивные карты Google

Легко создавать любые карты позволяет размещенная во втором ряду редактора кнопка Google Map  Диаграммы

Bootstrap 3.3.5 is here! This release has focused on bug fixes, accessibility improvements, and documentation updates. We've had over 330 commits and 160 closed issues and pull requests from over 40 contributors since our last release! Hell yeah.


# Table heading Table heading Table heading Table heading Table heading Table heading
1 Table cell Table cell Table cell Table cell Table cell Table cell
2 Table cell Table cell Table cell Table cell Table cell Table cell
3 Table cell Table cell Table cell Table cell Table cell Table cell

Bootstrap 3.3.5 is here! This release has focused on bug fixes, accessibility improvements, and documentation updates. We've had over 330 commits and 160 closed issues and pull requests from over 40 contributors since our last release! Hell yeah.


  • Updated to Normalize.css v3.0.3.
  • Updated main in bower.json to comply with recent update to the bower.json specification
  • List groups now support
    • Fixed input group sizing classes on all supported elements for real this time.
    • Applied a few tooltip and popover positioning fixes.
  • Fixed behavior when using tooltips and popovers that are triggered by multiple events.
  • Fixed some memory leakage in the tooltip and popover plugins.
  • Fixed incorrect Affix positioning when a webpage has a sticky footer.
  • Fixed npm package to include all Grunt scripts, so that grunt dist works if you installed Bootstrap from npm.

Bootstrap 3.3.5 is here! This release has focused on bug fixes, accessibility improvements, and documentation updates. We've had over 330 commits and 160 closed issues and pull requests from over 40 contributors since our last release! Hell yeah.

  1. Updated to Normalize.css v3.0.3.
  2. Updated main in bower.json to comply with recent update to the bower.json specification
  3. List groups now support
  4. Fixed behavior when using tooltips and popovers that are triggered by multiple events.
  5. Fixed some memory leakage in the tooltip and popover plugins.
  6. Fixed incorrect Affix positioning when a webpage has a sticky footer.
  7. Fixed npm package to include all Grunt scripts, so that grunt dist works if you installed Bootstrap from npm.

Ссылки и кнопки

class="btn btn-none bg-color-second"

class="btn btn-none bg-color-lightblack"

class="btn btn-none bg-color-first"

class="btn btn-none bg-color-lightgray"

class="btn btn-none bg-color-gray"

class="btn btn-none bg-color-darkgray"

Bootstrap 3.3.5 is here! This release has focused on bug fixes, accessibility improvements, and documentation updates. We've had over 330 commits and 160 closed issues and pull requests from over 40 contributors since our last release! Hell yeah.